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Amazeball Conference - South

Amazeball Conference South Image


Orlando Gators

Orlando Gators player NFT
  • Est. 2005

  • Team Colors: Reptile skin & Orange

  • Titles Won: 1

  • Reputation: New to the NFGL, The Gators like to come up with new play schemes to catch their opponents off guard. Better do your homework and watch the tape before playing them.


Louisville Lasers 

Louisville Lasers player NFT
  • Est. 1986

  • Team Colors: Blue & Laser beams

  • Titles Won: 0

  • Reputation: What a Show! The Lasers are all about the flashy plays AND celebrations. The team owner encourages penalties on celebrations, the more extravagant, the better. 


Nashville Rockers

Nashville Rockers player NFT
  • Est. 1985

  • Team Colors: Gray & Red

  • Titles Won: 0

  • Reputation: Lack of proper coaching has haunted the Rockers. Wasted talent is a running theme in this organization. 

Houston Hombres

Houston Hombres player NFT
  • Est. 1980

  • Team Colors: Green & Red 

  • Titles Won: 2

  • Reputation: “Hoooty Hooouuuu!” is the battle cry of the greatest offensive juggernaut in the league. Known for the best offense year after year, the Hombres know how to scout offensive talent….or they have access to other team’s defensive schemes.